Saturday 23 November 2013

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What methods are used to introduce genes into plant cells, and how are these methods different than those used to introduce genes into animal cells.

Plant gene transfer is done by Agrobacterium Ti plasmid mediated gene transfer method . the TDNA of the ti plasmid is removed from Ti plasmid and with in left and right border gene of interest is cloned. it goes into plant cell by the virulence gene grafted within  it in a special binary vector system ; recombine with the target cell chromosome and express there

The difference between plant and animal cell is the cell wall which is present in plants not in animals.So in order to introduce gene in plant cells we have to first digest the plant cell wall.The cell wall is composed of cellulose so we need cellulose digesting enzyme ,such as chitinase or cellulase. This would remove the outer cell wall and we can get the inner material which is called the protoplasm.

So various methods can be used.Some of the methods are using gene gun ,you can coat the DNA with gold particle so that you can fire the gene gun and the DNA would be targeted into the nucleus directly.

Another method is the use of Virus,these viral methods are quite effective as virus are quite powerful in infecting and certainly our gene of interest would be delivered.Some of the virus that can be used are CaulimoMosiacVirus ,CaMV35S,Tobacco mosaic virus etc.

So in animals we don't have cell wall ,so the digestion of cell wall in not needed ,there are many methods available ,such as calcium mediated transfection,using gene gun,use of Virus based vector,you can use Cre-Lox system 

Plant gene transfer using Agrobacterium Ti plasmid 

Plant gene transfer

Animal gene transfer