Tuesday 13 May 2014

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A page from a diary---A poem by a friend

Today is Tuesday. I came here in the early morning bus, 
The night was disturbing and the morning misty, 
If you know that I love you, why do you pass quietly by me 
I write for you, wave at you, but you... 
I try to square one with you, but I'm unnoticed by you 
I do stupid things to get your attention and gorgeous smiles 
But you go with others; you are so busy nowadays... 
At least look at me, give me a smile, something 
But whatever you do... 
Don't break my heart, by going through- 
My heart is a broken one you know, 
Breaking the silence, my blood vigorously calls 
You in my veins, but you go away silently 
I stand in the porch in the hope you would come, 
Far in the distance I then saw my dreams unfold... 
You are there with somebody, talking about texts... 
When I stand right in front of you. 
Why do you go away after you tell me you like me? 
In your shining eyes I wish I could see. 
Why don't your eyes see me when I try to say hello, 
Thinking of you all the while lying on my pillow. 
I still know in my heart I am yours... 
May be you are burdened too much 
I want to tell you everything, these ugly scars on my cheeks. 
The tears I have dropped yester-night. 
I wish I could call you when I cried, 
To show you how much I cried... 
Yet there's a silent pleasure in my aggrieved state, 
“Darkness falling down, tempting oblivion from within 
Happiness finds no home”, but only wants you happy!! 
Why do you go by me, can’t you see I stand and need you, 
This is killing me inside... but, I will not let it show.